Performance Monitor

I am an old HP 3000 systems administrator who had to retire the 3000 for some nice pseries AIX boxes. We are a Symitar site and the powers that be do not think we are ready for root acess. I need to find ways within my chains to view system statistics. Being able to wow someone in management wouldn't hurt either since my job is up in the air with the conversion. Can anyone give me some help on gathering statistical information and perhaps even help me get this information into a chart. I will admit, I am lost on AIX after MPE, but without root access I can't even use what I learned about AIX before conversion.

Thank you.

'sar' would be my binary of choice if you just wanted to view CPU perf data. There are a few approaches you could take:

  1. Have the person that has root access do a SetUID on sar so you can run it. This may produce some security concerns in your environment.

  2. Have the person with root create a cronjob to run sar at some interval and pump the data to an output file that you have access to.

  3. Buy a third party product to monitor the system. Someone would have to install some software on the AIX system but after that you wouldn't even need to login to get perf data.

Sounds right. Can you recommend any third party software packages? Thanks

There are too many to name. I don't want to persuade you into a product you don't need. Seach the web and you should be able to find several. I also work for a company that makes several of them and don't want to be biased.