Performance Metrics using wget

I am looking for a way to measure performance metrics of streaming audio/video from a contecnt server, e.g. YouTube for example. Im keen to see if I can look at duration it took for contecnt to download.
I know from the output of wget's log file you can see duration a url is downloaded in.
However I need to get the duration it takes for the streaming content.

Streaming content is just a big file that is processed before EOF.

so when I run


it should take same time to stream, i.e 1m 32 secs however the reposne i get back in my log file takes about 2-3 secs

Well, if you are playing it, the flow is throttled once the buffer is full.

That gets the webpage. The streaming content isn't part of the document, the same way files linked by

<img src="http://path/to/whatever.jpg">

tags aren't -- it's somewhere else.

Unfortunately the element between the webpage and the streaming content isn't a simple src="path/to/video.flv" but handled obscurely through Adobe Flash Player via means I don't entirely understand. Not always the same means either, it seems to change sometimes(probably to break youtube downloader programs)... Most youtube downloaders get the URL from the web browser itself, since the browser has to be told it one way or another to download it...

School time? Flash in HTML