perform some checks on file using perl


i want check for PVCS header in file if its present then check if its in proper format or not i want to do this is in perl on windows.

this is what i am doing :

1 . open file
2 . check for "PVCS information" if found then store the line no to $line var.
3 . check for "sccs" header
4 . if sccs header found then exit
5. close file
6 . if PVCS header found then call another subroutine with $line.
6.1 . again open the file skip lines till $line
6.2 . add 1 to $line and check for desired word
add 2 to $line and check for next word
6.3 . if header is in proper format then set a flag for each if statement and if all are set then return 0 or return 1 .
6.4 . close file.

now i am ready with small script for this ( which is in my office i will post it tomorrow ) but is there any better way of checking if PVCS header is in proper format or not ??

PVCS header sample :

     *** Start of PVCS information ***
     * $Workfile : 
     * $Author :
     * $Date :
     * $Log :