Percentage of occurence

Dear all,
I have data like below and i need to add coloumn before the COUNT field to see the Percentage out of all COUNT field value for respective raw.

COUNT           CODE         sConnType                  tConnType
265873          171          uehRrcConn                 uehPacketEulHs
239103          171          uehPacketCch               uehPacketEulHs
56746           500          uehRrcConn                 uehPacketEulHs
51734           171          uehPacketEulHs             uehPacketEulHs
28244           54           uehPacketCch               uehPacketEulHs
22422           171          uehPacket128Hs             uehPacket384Hs

Expected format

PERCENTAGE COUNT           CODE         sConnType                  tConnType
    X                  265873          171          uehRrcConn                 uehPacketEulHs
                       239103          171          uehPacketCch               uehPacketEulHs
                       56746           500          uehRrcConn                 uehPacketEulHs
                       51734           171          uehPacketEulHs             uehPacketEulHs
                       28244           54           uehPacketCch               uehPacketEulHs
                       22422           171          uehPacket128Hs           uehPacket384Hs

Where X = 100*265873/(265873+239103+56746+51734+28244+22422)

Thanks in advance.


What have you tried so far?

In the below code reading file twice

  awk 'BEGIN{print "PERCENTAGE COUNT CODE sConnType tConnType"}
    NR==FNR && NR>1{sum+=$1;next}
    {if(FNR>1){print 100*$1/sum,$0}}' file.txt file.txt

So far, i didn't have a logic to print that. I only can get Text file like this from processing TEXT files using "awk/sed/sort/uniq/grep" commands.
Hope UNIX command can do that.


Ok, then I reinstate the post from pravin27 (post #3, which I had previously hidden).

If you don't understand any part of it, it's important that you say.

Repliers, please note: documented solutions are encouraged!

Thanks for the solution it works for me as i Expected.


Hi Scott,

I will take care going forward.. Apologies..


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