Pearson correlation between two files

Hi, I want a quick way to determine the pearson correlation between two files. The two files have the same format with only the 3rd column varying.

E.g. of file 1

chr1	0	62
chr1	1	260
chr1	2	474
chr1	3	562
chr1	4	633
chr1	5	870
chr1	6	931
chr1	7	978
chr1	8	1058
chr1	9	1151

E.g. of file 2

chr1	0	76
chr1	1	455
chr1	2	806
chr1	3	914
chr1	4	986
chr1	5	1391
chr1	6	1484
chr1	7	1563
chr1	8	1705
chr1	9	1859

So I would want to know the correlation between column 3 for the two files.


#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my ($x_bar, $x_sd, $y_bar, $y_sd, $i, $numerator, $r);
my (@f1_data, @f2_data);

open F1, "< file1";
for (<F1>) {
    push (@f1_data, (split /\s+/)[2]);
close F1;

open F2, "< file2";
for (<F2>) {
    push (@f2_data, (split /\s+/)[2]);
close F2;

($x_bar, $x_sd) = avg_sd (@f1_data);
($y_bar, $y_sd) = avg_sd (@f2_data);

for ($i=0; $i<@f1_data; $i++) {
    $numerator += (($f1_data[$i] - $x_bar) * ($f2_data[$i] - $y_bar));

$r = $numerator / (@f1_data * $x_sd * $y_sd);
print "$r\n";

sub avg_sd {
    my ($sum, $avg, $sum_of_sq, $sd) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
    my @data = @_;
    for (@data) {
        $sum += $_;
    $avg = $sum / @data;
    for (@data) {
        $sum_of_sq += (($_ - $avg) ** 2);
    $sd = sqrt ($sum_of_sq / @data);
    return ($avg, $sd);

For the given two input files viz. file1 and file2, the correlation coefficient is 0.999125083532687.

By the way, if the input data are fewer in number, I'd suggest you use a scientific calculator. I was using a Casio FX 991 MS back in college :smiley: I still have it. Masterpiece.