Pause processes in remote host and resume execution in another remote host


Given addresses of 2 remote machines[say src and dest], using a shell script is it possible to

  1. get the state of running processes in "src"
  2. stop all the processes in "src"
  3. exit out of "src"
  4. ssh into "dest"
  5. resume the state of executing processes captured in step 1 in "dest"

"src" is already logged in using ssh and processes are running in it.

Thanks in advance,

No, not possible in Unix, especially not 5. "resume".
The experimental OS "plan9" has such features.

If what you want is "live migration", then some virtualization technologies allow it, for example Solaris LDOMs:

The virtualization allows to migrate a whole OS with all its running processes - but not a single process.