pattern matching

I am newbee to perl.

I wanna search a file and fetch a pattern starting with
"Total pancakes produced:" and get the numeric value present after the colon.

but, the filename and the phrase(Total pancakes produced:) must be given as input since the input varies everytime.

For example:

the file we are gonna search might contain:

Total pancakes produced: 30
Total muffin produced: 50
Total donuts produced: 70

i want to get the number 30 from tat file. the filename mite be bakers.txt
assuming that the file might have only one occurance of this particular phrase we give as input.

i am able fetch for one string but not for a bunch of string

Since the line contains only one numeric value always i wud do it by using \d.

can anybody give suggestions for my problem?


awk -F":" '/Total pancakes produced/ {print $2}' bakers.txt

thanks shamrock,

but i want tat to be in perl....

inside the program....

while executing i want in the format:

perl total number of pancakes filename.txt

check perldoc -f open (open files)
check perldoc -q read ( reading files)
check perldoc -f chomp
check perldoc perlre for regexp

open(FILE,"<file") or die "Cannot open";
while (<FILE>) {
    ($f1,$f2) = split(/[:]/, $_);
    if (/Total pancakes produced/) {
        print $2;

thanks ghostdog...