Pattern Matching and replacement

Hello Everybody,

I need a help in the below pattern matching and replacement issue
I have a file : emp.txt

21356 suresh 12/12/2012
23511 ramesh 11/06/2011
31456 biswajit 09/08/2013
53134 archan  06/02/2009

first field:- employee id, 2nd field is name and third field is date of joining

HR gives a list of employees who have been moved out of the company.
Let's suppose i get a text file from hr:-


I need to compare it with second column of the original employee list and which ever matches , employee list will be updated

output file

21356 suresh 12/12/2012
23511 ramesh_terminated  11/06/2011
31456 biswajit 09/08/2013
53134 archan_terminated  06/02/2009


Is this a homework assignment?

What have you tried?

What OS and shell are you using?

No this is not a home work assignment. I am not able to figure it out at all.
I am using bash shell and linux operating system

Please show us what you have tried so far.

Use it & let me know if it is working fine for you:

file="tmp.txt"   ### this is your input file with all the records
pat_file="term.txt"   ### this is your pattern file.

while read pat_line
        sed -i "s/$pat_line/${pat_line}_teminated/g" $file

done < "$pat_file"

Use it & let me know if it is working fine for you:

file="tmp.txt" ### this is your input file with all the records
pat_file="term.txt" ### this is your pattern file.

while read pat_line
sed -i "s/$pat_line/${pat_line}_teminated/g" $file

done < "$pat_file"
kibou@laptop:~$ cat text.txt 
21356 suresh 12/12/2012
23511 ramesh 11/06/2011
31456 biswajit 09/08/2013
53134 archan  06/02/2009
kibou@laptop:~$ sed 's;\(ramesh\);\1_terminated;' text.txt 
21356 suresh 12/12/2012
23511 ramesh_terminated 11/06/2011
31456 biswajit 09/08/2013
53134 archan  06/02/2009

Use it & let me know if this works for you:

file="tmp.txt"   ### file to search & replace employees
pat_file="term.txt"   ### file containing pattern

while read pat_line
        sed -i "s/$pat_line/${pat_line}_teminated/g" $file

done < "$pat_file"


one more approach for same may help.

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$0;next}  !($2 in a){b[i++]=$0} ($2 in a){{$2=$2"_term";b[i++]=$0}} END{for(j in b){print b[j]}}' test2 test1

output will be as follows.

21356 suresh 12/12/2012
23511 ramesh_term 11/06/2011
31456 biswajit 09/08/2013
53134 archan_term 06/02/2009

Where input files are as follows.

cat test1
21356 suresh 12/12/2012
23511 ramesh 11/06/2011
31456 biswajit 09/08/2013
53134 archan  06/02/2009

cat test2

R. Singh

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I am a beginner and i am learning. I will get back on this,when i learn enough to write it.

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