Pattern match

I have requirement of parsing file names from given directory based on the pattern ( pattern will be parameter to script and can be any ).

for example, user enterred 2 params :
1) directory name : /dirname/
2) filename_pattern : *.dat_????

and there are 2 files in the directory as :


now I need to parse and retrive filename with static portion :
result :
1) a.dat_
2) b.dat_

Can you please give some pointers to solution, what are the ways this can be implemented.

Thanks in advance ...

Abhijeet R

Hello Abhijeet,

Kindly use code tags for commands/codes in your posts. Following command may help you in same.

echo "/dirname/a.dat_1234" | awk '{sub(/.*\//,X,$0);sub(/\_.*/,"_",$0);print}' 

Output will be as follows.


R. Singh

I don't understand what you're trying to do. The only static data matched by the pattern *.dat_???? is .dat_ . The 1st character of each filename is matched by the asterisk in the pattern and the 4 characters at the end of each filename is matched by the question marks.

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