path 108528-29 failed

Hi All,

The path requires me to go Single User mode. On single user mode, the patch still won't continue:

dhcpagent supports a new keyword in /etc/default/dhcpagent.
Please merge the existing /etc/default/dhcpagent with the
patched version of /etc/default/dhcpagent shipped with this

Do you wish to continue this installation {yes or no} [yes]?
(by default, installation will continue in 60 seconds)
The prepatch script exited with return code 1.
Patchadd is terminating. 

Any idea?


in your output "no" was entered? to continue just press enter...

hahaha :slight_smile: what a silly post! dear itik, please be sure of what you're doing.. :stuck_out_tongue: