Patch Panel Help

I apologize if this is something easy. I have never used a patch panel before. No matter what I try I am not able to get an internet connection through the patch panel. This is a panduit dp5e patch panel. I have tried running a cable from the router to patch panel. I have tried running a cable from the switch to the patch panel. Neither method work. I have noticed that the lights do not turn on either way. Is this patch panel supposed to have some kind of power supply for the lights? I do not see a way to plug it in. Am I missing some part I need? The router and switch both work fine.

D-COSP228--WW-ENG-dp5epatchpanel-WEB.pdf (520.6 KB)

From this spec sheet it doesn't look like a PSU is required.

What is the patch panel being used to distribute? Ports from what? Ethernet switch? Telephone switch or what?

Who wired in the patch panel and did they know what they were doing? Where did the patch cables come from? They can't be just any old cables; they are specific.

My first guess is that this is a pinout issue.

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