paste broken pieces of a record into one line

I am working with a file that has some of the records broken into several lines, I need paste the pieces back into one line. All records should start with numeric id, and presently all lines do start with id. The last field of the record is "telephone", so I need to make sure that each line starts with id and ends with telephone field.

To illustrate see below current file:

10 name ABC address 123 MAIN ST telefone 123-123-1234
11 name PQR 
 address 234 GREEN AV
 telefone 234-234-2345
12 name XYZ address 123 MAIN ST
 telefone 345-345-3456

I need to change it into this:

10 name ABC address 123 MAIN ST telefone 123-123-1234
11 name PQR  address 234 GREEN AV telefone 234-234-2345
12 name XYZ address 123 MAIN ST telefone 345-345-3456

Here is what I tried:

gawk '{
        s=s " " $0;
        if($0 ~ "telephone") {
                print s;
        if(length(s) > 0) {
                print s;
}' ${1}

but result is one long line

10 name ABC address 123 MAIN ST telefone 123-123-1234 11 name PQR address 234 GREEN AV telefone 234-234-2345 12 name XYZ address 123 MAIN ST telefone 345-345-3456

I can't figure out the problem with my code.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

 awk 'NR > 1 && /^[0-9]/ { print "" }
 {printf "%s ", $0}
  END { print "" }' "$file"