Password Protecting Directories...

Hi all,

Just out of interest does anyone know how to password protect directories in Solaris? I have had a google search but just got a load of info about how to do it for webservers and apache, it needs to be Operating System level. Had a look on the Sun site as well but couldn't find anything.

Thanks in advance for any posts and for reading,

B14... aka... marky mark..

Hi all,

I know you guys havn't got back to me and I am not trying to be funny, but I got some posts on Tek-tips about the same question, heres the link, might be of use to some of you maybe in the future.

I concluded that you could maybe use crypt command (or openss version of it) and a few shell scripts but that was the best that I could come up with. Anyhow my boss has done something to else about (moved it I think)...

Anyhow thanks for reading and hope its of interest to some of you...

B14... aka... Marky Mark...