Password connection-less

Hi all!

I need help in reconfiguring password connection-less on 3 servers.

I had this feature on 3 servers, working fine for servers A, B and C, but for some unknown reason, and after a reboot was performed, from server B to server A is asking me for password, the same applies from server C to server A.
I try to setup again by generating a public key again, but if If I choose to overwrite already existing file, it might damage the already connection between servers A and B and A and C.
Please can someone help

For server A to accept connections from servers B & C, it needs to have the public keys for the connecting accounts from those two servers in the authorized_keys file owned by the user account on Server A that you are connecting to.

I don't know a reason that a re-boot would affect this. I'm assuming that you are using sshor sftp etc. Can you complete the process manually, and did it ask you to verify the remote host fingerprint again? That would indicate that the server keys have been regenerated. i suppose that this could happen on a boot if the server had the flag set for a first-time boot when the keys would be generated.

The authorized_keys file also needs to be RW only to the owner, so perhaps this has been undone.

What version on Solaris are you using?



Thanks for the response, Yes I am using


, its

solaris 10

, and earlier when I try to generate a key from server B to A:

 ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/nikira_data01/.ssh/id_rsa):
/nikira_data01/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (yes/no)? no

I would respond no

If you are trying to connect to UserA on ServerA, sign on manually and look in the home directory. There should be a directory call .ssh and within there, the file authorized_keys should exist. Do you have that?

The records in this file are made up from the public keys of users that you want to allow to connect. What do you have? This file should be public keys only, so you can happily paste the whole file without compromising your security, but please wrap it in


tags to make it clear.

You should find a record that matches the public key for your user on ServerB. Perhaps send the public key as from the user on ServerB to the user on serverA and use grep -f authorized keys to see if you have a matching record.

Hopefully we will be able to work out what's wrong and correct it rather than rebuild everything.



from server A to server B, the connection-less is working fine, but from server B to server A, is asking for password.
On server A i found is subdir



 ls -lrt
total 16
-rw-------   1 nikira   sys          672 Aug  2  2012 id_dsa
-rw-r--r--   1 nikira   sys          608 Aug  2  2012
-rw-------   1 nikira   sys          883 Aug  2  2012 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--   1 nikira   sys          228 Aug  2  2012
-rw-------   1 nikira   sys          834 Aug  2  2012 authorized_keys
-rw-r--r--   1 nikira   sys         2385 May 28  2013 known_hosts
[nikira@nikira-app1 .ssh]$ more authorized_keys
ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKdhkvWHHOe1NC6+5gVCO2tOYUiLumqLo6JemiPFSAoszFvWzwZmhvI2iqIypdTnShZgOr3Hhw5kyKpMal7IjFI8xbhhYIwKNKApcqnBHsnveoJO/9T0UzBVRYJI6HOs7d5z3WraW9/x
jBVakkGO1gktE1ilXzLQpJBS+XwI3f+qDl48e1B08ksluvaluSgb74JJO9oPbSiQJ+4WsoL7e+XhWt8/WQ== nikira@nikira-db
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAwpsUXm7Va18hiwzOBAlfwHU2xdREoBUUqm6fI7iAgt2PRgXa/xMmS9jpURS/hGNwmptk002uglnqGp0sMWcj8RptJBcDP+U6nQb3KqfIY5E15q8Y3S77aX3qdZEgUAFsOyKr
fttlwgz8HGRasCEYpKB2pVyD2+sBTarLCxX+IqM= nikira@nikira-app2

and on server B on the subdir


I found:

 ls -lrt
total 16
-rw-------   1 nikira   sys          668 Aug  2  2012 id_dsa
-rw-r--r--   1 nikira   sys          606 Aug  2  2012
-rw-------   1 nikira   sys          887 Aug  2  2012 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--   1 nikira   sys          228 Aug  2  2012
-rw-------   1 nikira   sys          606 Aug  2  2012 authorized_keys_bkp
-rw-------   1 nikira   sys          834 Aug  2  2012 authorized_keys
-rw-r--r--   1 nikira   sys         1769 Oct  2  2013 known_hosts
[nikira@nikira-app2 .ssh]$ file authorized_keys
authorized_keys:        ascii text
[nikira@nikira-app2 .ssh]$ more authorized_keys
ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKdhkvWHHOe1NC6+5gVCO2tOYUiLumqLo6JemiPFSAoszFvWzwZmhvI2iqIypdTnShZgOr3Hhw5kyKpMal7IjFI8xbhhYIwKNKApcqnBHsnveoJO/9T0UzBVRYJI6HOs7d5z3WraW9/x
jBVakkGO1gktE1ilXzLQpJBS+XwI3f+qDl48e1B08ksluvaluSgb74JJO9oPbSiQJ+4WsoL7e+XhWt8/WQ== nikira@nikira-db
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAoVGzahyKzfOUbuMQ1w4XodHe3eFv0Q2pwRLZEI1g77E67ogFUn+FaDPXqX6jTQlQYIoSyQ3MeLEQN6kxAPLKDZyBQDMTIyORr6ZJaWSgbjON9h+4zdclhlFZelOxiu7wnX/0
QoiaUNLDDiNR7wMLuC4+P7s2IzzGSYeFFAkSsBU= nikira@nikira-app1

So not quite sure what could be wrong!!

Assuming that you are on ServerB as user nikira and connecting to ServerA as nikira too, can you share the content of

Does it match the content of ServerA file authorized_keys?


the contents of

on server B are:

ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKdhkvWHHOe1NC6+5gVCO2tOYUiLumqLo6JemiPFSAoszFvWzwZmhvI2iqIypdTnShZgOr3Hhw5kyKpMal7IjFI8xbhhYIwKNKApcqnBHsnveoJO/9T0UzBVRYJI6HOs7d5z3WraW9/x
jBVakkGO1gktE1ilXzLQpJBS+XwI3f+qDl48e1B08ksluvaluSgb74JJO9oPbSiQJ+4WsoL7e+XhWt8/WQ== nikira@nikira-db

contents of


on server B:

 more authorized_keys
ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKdhkvWHHOe1NC6+5gVCO2tOYUiLumqLo6JemiPFSAoszFvWzwZmhvI2iqIypdTnShZgOr3Hhw5kyKpMal7IjFI8xbhhYIwKNKApcqnBHsnveoJO/9T0UzBVRYJI6HOs7d5z3WraW9/x
jBVakkGO1gktE1ilXzLQpJBS+XwI3f+qDl48e1B08ksluvaluSgb74JJO9oPbSiQJ+4WsoL7e+XhWt8/WQ== nikira@nikira-db
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAoVGzahyKzfOUbuMQ1w4XodHe3eFv0Q2pwRLZEI1g77E67ogFUn+FaDPXqX6jTQlQYIoSyQ3MeLEQN6kxAPLKDZyBQDMTIyORr6ZJaWSgbjON9h+4zdclhlFZelOxiu7wnX/0
QoiaUNLDDiNR7wMLuC4+P7s2IzzGSYeFFAkSsBU= nikira@nikira-app1

the contents of

of server A are:

ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBANyyRov3poQc1RO+0C8u8pTW5m7PL3GpIYaCnpoVoln4t2V1wR56TYBwf64JQD0KnOs/dHtFx+ImgLLN/wVmUXVQ/B8PCDbnFi/BHqOSItOXw+bwOXkgnZvaKXi9LuDumHqcPrXrQJW2
3RL/sz+hPK6PeUlAmNoM3elI0+9mJ0YJU4hiksus3W7oPebnO4QQ8ympWyv22jMoAwFRiJ3sczdeDGabI7Kv nikira@nikira-app1

contents of


on server A are:

 more authorized_keys
ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKdhkvWHHOe1NC6+5gVCO2tOYUiLumqLo6JemiPFSAoszFvWzwZmhvI2iqIypdTnShZgOr3Hhw5kyKpMal7IjFI8xbhhYIwKNKApcqnBHsnveoJO/9T0UzBVRYJI6HOs7d5z3WraW9/x
jBVakkGO1gktE1ilXzLQpJBS+XwI3f+qDl48e1B08ksluvaluSgb74JJO9oPbSiQJ+4WsoL7e+XhWt8/WQ== nikira@nikira-db
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAwpsUXm7Va18hiwzOBAlfwHU2xdREoBUUqm6fI7iAgt2PRgXa/xMmS9jpURS/hGNwmptk002uglnqGp0sMWcj8RptJBcDP+U6nQb3KqfIY5E15q8Y3S77aX3qdZEgUAFsOyKr
fttlwgz8HGRasCEYpKB2pVyD2+sBTarLCxX+IqM= nikira@nikira-app2

in the file

of server B, the last line mention server C which is


, but on server A, the last line shows


, which is server A

Compare the security settings on the home directory between the server where private/public key works with the one where it does not work. If the public write and execute flags are turned on for the home directory then private/public key sign on won't work.

the public/private keys are on


directory in both servers, but on server A:

drwxrwxrwx   8 nikira   sys       122368 Feb 10 13:21 nikira_data01

and on server B:

drwxr-xr-x   6 nikira   sys          512 Aug 28  2012 nikira_data01

so they are not the same in permission wise

Yes. Turn off write for group and world for server A and test again.

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Is nikira_data01 the home directory of your user? What are the permissions of the .ssh directory? Perhaps they are the issue.


Hi Gandolf989!
thank you very much, your suggestion worked perfectely

NOTE: just to be safe, after you fix it, change the keys.

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how do I change the keys?

Just remove the id_rsa and files from your ~/.ssh directory as well as remove the public key from the authorized files on any server where it can connect with the key. Then generate a new key and put the public key on any server where you want to log in without a password.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
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once you have it working, and BEFORE you delete the other key. script a key distro script to push the new keys. THEN delete the old ones. :slight_smile: