Password check in bash script calling on expect

password check in bash script calling on expect

Background: I have to copy a file from one server, to over 100 servers in a test environment. once the file is copied, it requires to have the permissions on the file changed/verified. These are all linux servers. most of them have the same password for login, but some may not. I can't install Ansible as someone else recommended to me on serverfault.

I need help with making a loop in my bash/expect script. It is actually calling on Expect. The area I want to make 'better' or fix, is a few things

  • the part where it expects a password. (the * section), it should quit the script after 1 or 2 failed password attempt, and echo like a "bad password logon manually". I'm not worired about the echo part, I can generate a log and sift through that.
  • I tried to write the password piece thinking its a loop, but I'm not really sure if that method of thinking is deal. I tried just adding another "expect Password: " thinking that if it gets the prompt a second time, to exit out, but I had a hard time with getting that to work. Thank you!
while read ip; do

sleep 2
expect <<- DONE
        set timeout 1
        spawn scp yoman.txt root@$ip:/felixtemp
                if above command fails, dump the IP to fail.txt, otherwise continue
        expect yes/no { send yes\r }
        expect Password: { send aaaaaaa\r } #if this is good, continue the script from *****
                else                                     #exit the script
                expect Password: { send 033\r }
                expect # { send "echo 'password failed'\r" }
                && dump to a text file called fail.txt
*****   expect # { send "exit\r\r" }
        sleep 1

        set timeout 1
        spawn ssh root@$ip
        sleep 2
        expect yes/no { send yes\r }
        sleep 2
        expect Password: { send aaaaaa\r }
        sleep 5
        expect # { send "cd /felixtemp\r" }
        expect # { send "chown informix:informix yoman.txt\r" }
        expect # { send "chmod 775 yoman.txt\r" }
        expect # { send "sum yoman.txt | grep 10350 && echo 'transfer good' || echo 'transfer bad'\r" }
        expect # { send exit\r }
        sleep 1

done < ip.txt

This would be so much easier if you installed keys. You could write an actual script and check actual return values -- which is honestly what you need here, not an expect kludge.

I know you don't want to type the password 100 times, so a compromise, a way to install 100 keys?

Once you can do that, the script will be as easy as checking the return values of ssh and scp in a real shell script.