passwd -l script

I need to lockout about 250 user accounts on a server. I figure on putting the user accounts to be locked out in a text file and the running a script to go through the file and run the "passwd -l useraccount" against the /etc/passwd file (yes, I am root as I do this).

Here is what I have so far:

# BE CAUTIOUS!! This will modify the /etc/passwd file to lockout terminated
# employee accounts using the 'passwd -l useraccount' command.
# copy this to servername under the /etc directory. Make sure the
# text file that has the user accounts to be deleted is also copied to servername.

# create variables
for GONE in `/etc/seeya`
echo "**********************************" > $TERMED
passwd -l $GONE
echo "This user account, "$GONE", is locked on `date +%m/%d/%y`." >> $TERMED
echo " " >> $TERMED

(do I put a 'done' statement here?)
#mail results of TERMED
#cat $TERMED |uuencode $GONE.wri | mailx -s "$GONE account locked" $LOCATION_EMAIL
# delete TERMED to make room for next on list.
# rm $TERMED

It seems pretty simple, but what if there is a useraccount in my list, but not in the /etc/passwd file? or vice-versa? other error messages?
Also, is my email statement right? I don't want 200+ individual emails, just one email showing the contents of $TERMED.

Thanks for the help. :smiley:

It looks like I'm going to have to do a compare of two files, the /etc/passwd file and my file that has the list of userID's to lockout. The script flow should look like this:

  1. compare lockout file to /etc/passwd
  2. if a userID in the lockout file matches the username field in the /etc/passwd file, then
  3. the 'passwd -l username' command is executed.
  4. if there is no match, go to the userID next in the lockout file
  5. it should loop until all of the userID's in the lockout are processed.

I will probably have to forget the shell script and attempt this with either a sed or awk script.

I'm not sure how passwd -l works
This option does n't exists in AIX.
I'm not sure whether passwd -l is interactive.

Following is NOT TESTED. But you can follow on these lines.



while read user

    grep "$user" /etc/passwd
    if test $? -eq 0
       # do what you want to do ... run passwd -l ....
       if test $? -eq 0
            echo "Locking user $user on `date` "  >> TERMED
            echo "PROBLEM in Locking user $user on `date` "  >> TERMED

done < /etc/seeya

# send mail using TERMED file 


Your code worked perfectly!

Thanks so much for your help!. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: