Passing stdin value into a script that is called from another script

I'm trying to automatically pass user input values into a script that is being called from another script, below is my current script and I added a comment next to the script where it asks user to enter input value.

echo " Adding disks for DB server then Enter YES if not then NO: \c"
   read RESPONSE
   if [ "$RESPONSE" == "YES" ] ; then
         echo "Add the disks as DB=Yes"
         echo "Add the disks as ASM=Yes"
         /tmp/disks.ksh $SERVER #This script runs interactively and sets the disk attributes based on Yes/Yes reponse and I'm trying to find how to pass these values automatically without having to type in Yes/Yes.
         echo " Adding disks for App server"
         echo "Add the disks as DB=No"
         echo "Add the disks as ASM=No"
         /tmp/disks.ksh $SERVER ##This script runs interactively and sets the disk attributes based on Yes/Yes reponse and I'm trying to find how to pass these values automatically without having to type in Yes/Yes.

You could just call the script like this:

echo YES | /path/to/script
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Feeding two 'yes'

echo 'yes
yes' | /path/to/script
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