Passing Parameters and getting values back from a c program to Shell script

I am having a shell script which has to be called from a C program. I have to pass two parameters to this script. HOw can I do that?

int main()
char st1[20];
char str2[20];
// call a shell script
call_sh(str1,str2) where call_sh is the name of the shell script.
then i need to get the return status of the shell script also
how can i do this

Please Help me in this.

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Check the man pages for the following syscalls: system, exec, fork.

You should be able to do it using these.

You can also call popen() to read the stdout of the shell.

man popen pclose

Hello Blowtorch

Can you explain me about that with an example...

I used execlp("shell script name,"arguments",0) to call my shell program. But after execution, the shell program;s value is not available to my c program. But I want that value. So how can I do that. Please explain me with an example.

Check man popen.. jim's suggestion.