Passing an argument to cut command

Can we pass an argument to cut command as below

Suppose cut command is used in for or while loop and we need to pass the incremental counter

cut -f$i

Here $i is an argument.

Like wise it has to come

cut -f1
cut -f2

Where i=1,2,3,....

As a general rule when wondering if a given construct works, try it and see what happens :wink: , (NB: does not apply to potentially destructive commands)

for i in $(seq 10) ; do echo cut -d\, -f$i tmp.csv ; done
cut -d, -f1 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f2 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f3 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f4 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f5 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f6 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f7 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f8 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f9 tmp.csv
cut -d, -f10 tmp.csv

Looks good to me...