Passing a variable to awk while in a shell for loop

I am a newbie to awk and c programming, however am not a unix newbie. However, I do need help with a kshell script I am writing. It is almost complete, the last step is killing me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. What I am trying to do is cat a text file that has usernames. Then, using the for loop I want to extract out lines from a second file where the name exist in a record using awk. There could be multiple records with the username. The second file has variable length records. I only need the last field from the second file and the username.
Here are examples of the two files.

users.txt ------- secondfile.txt
user1 -------- user3 user1 user2 /mydir/next/firstdir
user2 -------- user1 /mydir/next/seconddir
user3 -------- user2 user3 /mydir/next/thirdir

Here is my script:
for i in cat `users.txt`
awk -v t01=$i 't01 { print t01 " " $NF }' secondfile.txt >> thirdfile.txt

Initially I tried '/t01/ { print t01 " " $NF }' but found that awk does not like variables within the / /. The problem with the above syntax is that for every record in users.txt, I get a print of the last field for every record in secondfile.txt. Yet, when I use awk at the command line and use /user1/ I get only the records from secondfile.txt that I would expect.

Hope this explanation is clear. Your help is greatly appreciated.

What is the expected output?


Not sure how to close a post. However, I saw a similar post in the related posts section below my posting. It has the answer. This is the first time I have used this forum. It looks great though. Got my answer much quicker than I expected.

Thanks a bunch. This post can be closed.