Pass script with parameter in korn shell script

I have written a script which will take input parameter as another script.
However, if the script passed as input parameter has parameters then this script doesn't work.

I have a script b.ksh which has 1 and 2 as parameters
I have a script c.ksh which has 3,4 and 5 as parameters

vi a.ksh

while [ 1 ]; do
nohup ${SCRIPT_NAME}

I call the scripts like this

ksh -x a.ksh b.ksh 1 2
ksh -x a.ksh c.ksh 3 4 5

The above doesn't work though. Please help

I'm not sure where to start:

  1. You assign a seemingly meaningless string to the variable USAGE , but you never use that variable.
  2. You use the variable SCRIPT_NAME , but you never assign it a value.
  3. You have a while loop to repeatedly nohup nothing.
  4. None of the code in your script uses any arguments passed to your script.

If you want to run b.ksh with the arguments 1 and 2 , why don't you just invoke:

b.ksh 1 2

? Why do you need a.ksh ?

Please explain more clearly what you are trying to do with this script!