Pass params with Udev

I'm sorry if this is the false Forum, didn't really knew where to put it...
My question:
I have serveral USB-Sticks and wrote several Udev-Rules for theme, each Sticks needs to do something else, but all are using the same script (they have common tasks to do) and only some parts are executed differently for each Stick, so I thought using parameters would be the easiest way to go. But I tried

RUN+=" -param"

what won't work...
Is there any possibility to pass parameters with Udev? Or do I need to make a script for each Stick?
I'm sorry if it's difficult to understand what I mean, english isn't my native language ^^'
Thanks for answers! :slight_smile:

You need to specify the absolute path. You could try something like:

RUN+="/path/to/script %s{serial}"

(not tested)

I always wrote the full path but for some reason passing paramaeters didn't work before �o
But works flawless now :smiley: Thanks!