Pass Arguments to Command from Shell Script

Hi all,

I am working on a project, in which I have to connect to Bluetooth low energy device. I am able to connect and do data transfer from command line. But I want to do from script
Here is my script

#sudo hcitool -i hci0 lescan
sleep 1
sudo hcitool -i hci0 lecc --random EA:74:48:D5:52:6B
sleep 1
sudo gatttool -i hci0 -b EA:74:48:D5:52:6B --interactive
sleep 1
echo connnect //this command should be passed as arg to gatttool command
sleep 1 
char-write-cmd 0x0013 FF14

Here is screen shot when I run gatttool from command line

Here is the screen shoot when I run from script

In the above figure I have to pass command "connect" where there is red arrow from the script. I tried echo. But its not working

So please help me how to pass command

You might want to remove the "-- interactive" option from the command in the script.

Given the tool reads from stdin, you could try piping or redirection:

echo connect | sudo gatttool ...

or (if your bash is recent enough)

sudo gatttool <<<  connect


Option --interactive is must. With out that option neither it would not connect to the device nor it will not accept gatttool as valid command.

So any other way?

Did you read the entire post?


I have tried other option also.
Here is script

sudo hcitool -i hci0 lecc --random EA:74:48:D5:52:6B
sleep 1
sudo gatttool -i hci0 -b EA:74:48:D5:52:6B --interactive <<< connect

When i run above script ths is error I am getting

[sudo] password for embdesnithin: 
Connection handle 70 7: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

I think the biggest problem is here is the misconception about what sudo does and what it doesn't:

sudo will run a command as another user (usually as root), but: it is NOT a shell and neither it is a shell replacement!

I wonder why the user account you use to run the script is not allowed to run the commands within the script. If the commands are privileged in nature then use a privileged user which can run them natively. call the whole script via sudo instead of embedding sudo-enabled calls into the script.

If you really need to do it the way you tried use su instead of sudo and use sudo only to call the script:

#! /bin/sh
su - <user> -c <your command along with options>
user@sys # sudo <scriptname>

I hope this helps.


I am using bash instead of sh.

I tried "su". But of no use.

su - embdesnithin --command hcitool -i hci0 lecc --random EA:74:48:D5:52:6B
sleep 1
su - embdesnithin --command gatttool -i hci0 -b EA:74:48:D5:52:6B -I <<< connect
sleep 1


embdesnithin@embdesnithin:~$ sudo sh 
su: invalid option -- 'i'
Usage: su [options] [LOGIN]

  -c, --command COMMAND         pass COMMAND to the invoked shell
  -h, --help                    display this help message and exit
  -, -l, --login                make the shell a login shell
  -m, -p,
  --preserve-environment        do not reset environment variables, and
                                keep the same shell
  -s, --shell SHELL             use SHELL instead of the default in passwd 7: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

You might have an easier time getting this to work if you create a shell script as root that does what you want. Then set it up in sudo to be so that certain user can run it with sudo, but not edit it.

This is what i said at first. IMHO this would solve all the troubles once and for all.

I suppose this is just a matter of correct quoting:

su - embdesnithin -c "hcitool -i hci0 lecc --random EA:74:48:D5:52:6B"

Note the double quotes around the command, analoguous for the other lines.

You should, btw., not use these long options, i.e. "--command" instead of "-c". This only works with the GNU versions of commands, not with the standard command. This way you unnecessary limit the portability of your script.

"/bin/sh" is on most systems a call to the systems default shell which i used as a stand-in. As you seem to work on a Linux-System this should call a bash .

I hope this helps.
