parsing XML result by using perl?

for some reasons, i need to parse the XML result by using perl.
for instance, this is a sample XML result:


then i can use this way :

my @output = ();
foreach my $parts (@all)    ##@all = above XML result

  if ($parts =~ /\<answer\>(.*)\<\/answer\>/)
     push @output, $1;

Then i can get a list for all the answers.
BUT i have problem in processing multiple sections in XML result, something like :

<item key=1>
<item key=2>

any advice on this? or is there any existing module for this parsing?

Take a look at XML::XPath module.

$ cat f67.xml
<item key=1>
<item key=2>
$ perl -lne 'if (/\<item key=(.*?)\>/) { $key = $1 }
             elsif (/\<answer\>(.*?)\<\/answer\>/) { push @{$x{$key}}, $1 }
             END {
               while ( ($k, $v) = each %x) {
                 print "Key = $k";
                 foreach $i (@$v) { print "\tAnswer = $i" }
            ' f67.xml
Key = 1
        Answer = AAA::AAA
        Answer = BBB::BBB
Key = 2
        Answer = CCC::CCC
        Answer = DDD::DDD
