Parsing with Name value pair and creating a normalized file

I have url string as follows and I need to parse the name value pair into fields /rows

event_id   date time payload
1329130951 20120214 22.30.40 nvns:ns1=%22

In payload Between "& =" is the name and followd by = is the value which is true in most cases except "ns1:clientInfo.ns1:clientDetails=UserName=" and "&ns1:data=time="


I need to parse only the values out from the payload field and have a csv delimited normailized file before loading. The first field "nvns:ns1=%22" can be ignored

1329130951 ,20120214 ,22.30.40,  eBayRtmToolRefreshConfiguration, INFO, 5009153470691470889 ,d-sjc-00530678,, Windows+2003 ,5.2, x86 ,prod, 2.1.300, Reatoolsrefresh, web, 96764 ,96764, 559153152 ,94383248, 464769904

Can it be done using awk or perl ?

A solution with awk :

awk '
$4 !~ /&/ {
    out = $1 OFS $2 OFS $3;
    kvc = split($4, kv, /&/);
    for (i=2; i<=kvc; i++) {
        v = kv;
        sub(/.*=/, "", v);
        out = out OFS v;
    print out;
' OFS=',' inputfile

Output (from your sample datas) :

event_id   date time payload
