Parsing the longest match substring

Hello gurus,

I have a database of possible primary signal strings


Also I have a list of scrambled signals which has a shorter string and a longer string separated by // (double slash ). Always the shorter string of a scrambled signal will have the primary signal as a substring and I need to parse out the longest possible primary signal from it.

So if my list of scrambled signals are


My desired output is

())[pt22dx]df/(dsgfspp22dx/pg22dx)-signal                                                                    pt22dx
(\\b-[pt22dx]dfdfs/(dsgfspp22dx//[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@--                                            pp22dx
signal-ef##$@pp22//[[((dsgfspp22dx/pg22dx)-signal[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@--                pp22

Note that the primary signal in second row is pp22dx and not pp22 since pp22dx is the longest possible match.

My working solution is as follows, this returns every match and not the longest. Also I believe there could be a more efficient way.

awk -F"//"  'NR==FNR{primary[$1];next} { short=length($1)>length($2)? $2:$1 } { for( ps in primary) { if(short~ps) { print $0,ps }}}' primary scrambled

())[pt22dx]dfdfs//(dsgfspp22dx/pg22dx)-signal pt22dx
(\\b-[pt22dx]dfdfs/(dsgfspp22dx//[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@-- pp22dx
(\\b-[pt22dx]dfdfs/(dsgfspp22dx//[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@-- pp22
signal-ef##$@pp22//[[((dsgfspp22dx/pg22dx)-signal[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@-- pp22

Please assist.

You state that the desired match for the input:


is pp22dx instead of pp22 because pp22dx is longer. But why isn't pt22dx just as valid as pp22dx ? (Both appear in the input file named primary , both are the same length, and pt22dx appears on that line of input before pp22dx .)

Assuming either input is allowed, you could try something like:

awk -F// -v OFS="\t\t" '
FNR == NR {
	if((l = length($0)) in pat) {
		pat[l] = pat[l] "|" $0
	pat[l] = $0
	for(i = 1; i <= nl && lengths > l; i++)
		new = lengths
	new = l
	for(; i <= nl; i++)
		new[i + 1] = lengths
	for(i = 1; i <= nl; i++)
		lengths = new
{	for(i = 1; i <= nl; i++)
		if(match($1, pat[lengths])) {
			print $0, substr($1, RSTART, RLENGTH)
	print $0, "No match"
}' primary scrambled

which with your sample inputs produces the output:

())[pt22dx]dfdfs//(dsgfspp22dx/pg22dx)-signal		pt22dx
(\\b-[pt22dx]dfdfs/(dsgfspp22dx//[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@--		pt22dx
signal-ef##$@pp22//[[((dsgfspp22dx/pg22dx)-signal[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@--		pp22

The above code just uses awk features defined by the standards. If someone wants to try this on a Solaris/SunOS system, change awk to /usr/pg4/bin/awk or nawk . Sorting the lengths array might be done more efficiently with built-in functions in some versions of awk .

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Stealing from and simplifying Don Cragun's approach - try

awk -F// -v OFS="\t\t" '
FNR == NR       {l = length($0)
                 pat[l] = pat[l] DL[l] $0
                 DL[l]  = "|"
                 MX = l>MX?l:MX

                {for (i=MX; i>0; i--)   {if (pat && match($1, pat))       {print $0, substr($1, RSTART, RLENGTH)
                 print $0, "No match"
' primary scrambled
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Hi Don and Rudi,

I am highlighting the part from my original request

for this string


only the shorter of the two columns (compared by length separated by //) will have the primary signal, in this case [(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@-- , so the answer is pp22dx .

Are you saying that what you really want is the longest string that matches an entire line in the file named primary that appears on both sides of the // on each line in the file named scrambled ?

To determine whether the time my script spends keeping the lengths[] array in order is worth the effort, how many lines are typically in each of your two real input files?

Not the entire the line, only the shorter split (separated by //) will have the primary signal.

In my original code I use

{ short=length($1)>length($2)? $2:$1 } to determine which of the two fields is shorter in length and just search that for the primary signal if(short~ps) .

There are 10k primary signals and 400k scrambled signals at this point. The scrambled signals will be more (~100k per year) as we collect more data.

With your sample data, the following seems to do what you want fairly efficiently:

awk -F// -v OFS="\t\t" '
BEGIN {	M = 0
	m = 32000
FNR == NR {
	if((l = length($0)) in pat) {
		pat[l] = pat[l] "|" $0
		#printf("appending pattern: pat[%d]=\"%s\"\n", l, pat[l])
	} else {pat[l] = $0
		#printf("adding pattern: pat[%d]=\"%s\"\n", l, pat[l])
		if(l > M)
			M = l
		if(l < m)
			m = l
#FNR == 1 {
#	for(i = M; i >= m; i--)
#		if(i in pat)
#			printf("pat[%d]=\"%s\"\n", i, pat)
{	short = length($1) < length($2) ? 1 : 2
	for(i = M; i >= m; i--)
		if(i in pat && match($short, pat)) {
			print $0, substr($short, RSTART, RLENGTH)
	print $0, "No match"
}' primary scrambled

but I don't have any good way to test how this might work if you have EREs with thousands of patterns to be matched as alternatives in a single ERE. With your sample inputs, it produces:

())[pt22dx]dfdfs//(dsgfspp22dx/pg22dx)-signal		pt22dx
(\\b-[pt22dx]dfdfs/(dsgfspp22dx//[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@--		pp22dx
signal-ef##$@pp22//[[((dsgfspp22dx/pg22dx)-signal[(\pp22dx)-@@----B-@--		pp22

as its output (which I think meets your requirements).

PS: Depending on the distribution of the lengths of your patterns, you might want to try the code I used in post #2 in this thread to sort the lengths and avoid processing lengths that don't exist in your data. I assume you won't have any problem merging the code from these two suggestions to get what you need.

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