Parsing structured files in Perl


looking for a piece of code to get the values from a structured text file like this:


define person{
        first_name      John
        last_name       Peterson
        nickname        Peter
        address         1024 Maple street
        birthday        November 11th, 1970
define office{
        use                home office
        office_name        main
        office_description home post office

define person{
        first name      Jamie
        last name       Bluff
        nickname        Bluff
        address         134 Downing street
        birthday        October 15th, 1974

define person{
        first name      Melanie
        last name       Houston
        nickname        Mell
        address         111 Boston street
        birthday        January 5th, 1969
define office{
        use                foreign office
        office_name        main
        office_description foreign post office

define person{
        first name      Blake
        last name       Dawson
        nickname        Blakey
        address         512 Kendrick street
        birthday        February 6th, 1970

Need to get only values from "define person" parts of the file. The rest needs to be

Thanks and regards,


Try this,

perl -nle 'print if /define person\{/.. /\}/' filename

To have "paragraphs":

perl -0777 -ne  'print "$_\n\n" for /(define person\{.*?\})/gs' INPUTFILE    

yazu, thank you very much for this, it works from the command line. But I'd like to use it from within
perl script. Is there a way to use the command above in the perl script?

A sketch.

undef $/;
print "$_\n\n" for /(define person\{.*?\})/gs;

Thanks a lot. It works perfectly. Another question: is it possible each time when the structure
"define person {...}" is found in the file, to put it in an array which would then contain a single set of
data about one person (and not to print it to STDOUT)?

undef $/;
my @persons = /(define person\{.*?\})/gs;

How about this,


my %persons;

while (<DATA>) {
if (/define person\{/ .. /\}/) {
        if (/define/) {
        delete $ar[0];
for ($j=1;$j<=$i;$j++) {
print "Person :-",$j,"\n";
print $persons{'per'.$j}->{'first_name'},"\n";
print $persons{'per'.$j}->{'last_name'},"\n";
print $persons{'per'.$j}->{'nickname'},"\n";
print $persons{'per'.$j}->{'address'},"\n";
print $persons{'per'.$j}->{'birthday'},"\n";


define person{
        first_name      John
        last_name       Peterson
        nickname        Peter
        address         1024 Maple street
        birthday        November 11th, 1970

define office{
        use                home office
        office_name        main
        office_description home post office

define person{
        first_name      Jamie
        last_name       Bluff
        nickname        Bluff
        address         134 Downing street
        birthday        October 15th, 1974

define person{
        first_name      Melanie
        last_name       Houston
        nickname        Mell
        address         111 Boston street
        birthday        January 5th, 1969

define office{
        use                foreign office
        office_name        main
        office_description foreign post office

define person{
        first_name      Blake
        last_name       Dawson
        nickname        Blakey
        address         512 Kendrick street
        birthday        February 6th, 1970

Yazu, thank you very much for your time and help.