parsing data file picking out certain fields

I have a file that is large and is broken up by groups of data. I want to take certain fields and display them different to make it easier to read. Given input file below:

2008   fl01   LAC   2589   polk   doal
xx 2008q1 mx
     sect 25698541

     Sales 08 Dept group

        lead1    2008q1

        lead1  07q4   07q3   07q2   07q1   06q4   06q3   jan
        tom    0      96     0      3312   3624   0      312
        pat    0      17     0      0      30     0      30
        tim    357    03     04     25     3020   3120   20
        tad    1734   0      0      0      5213   5213   0

        lead1  feb    mar    apr    may    jun    jul    aug
        tom    0      96     0      0      0      0      0
        pat    0      17     0      0      0      0      0
        tim    357    23     5      7      8      14     70
        tad    1734   0      0      0      0      0      0

        lead1  sept   oct    nov    dec
        tom    0      0      460    92
        pat    0      0      240    0
        tim    0      21     1800   0
        tad    0      0      672    0

2008   fl01  LAC   2589    polk   doal
yy 2008q1 mx
     sect 2569852

     Sales 08 Dept group

I would like to display:

lead1   07q4    07q1    06q4    06q3    sept    oct     nov
tim	357	25	3020	3120	0	21	1800 
tad	1734	0	5213	5213	0	0	672

Can anyone help out on this? I can't seem to get this right.
Thanks in advance.

Would this need to be reusable for some different data? It's hard to make sense of this currently. Thanks

I don't understand your question. But I wanted the input file to print out differently. Problem I was having was that the id are slit between blank lines and data I wanted to parse have different NF. I was trying awk and going the route of arrays with no luck, because while some records I want $2 on other records $2 might be a field I don't want.

Does this make sense??

And thank you for your time.

Can a expert take a look at this, still having issues figuring this out.


Can someone check my code below and help me fix? I can't seem to get this right. I am stuck, any help in making this easier for me, I would really appreciate it.


   $3 ~ /mx$/ && !s12 {
        printf "sales dept 08                                    %s %s\n",time,date
        print "-----------------"
        print "lead1   07q4    07q3    07q2  07q1  06q4    06q3  jan   nov   dec"
          s12 {
                if ( $5 ~ /07q1/ ) {
                if ( f1 ) {
                        s1[$1"_ld "]=$1 ; s1[$1"_7q4 "]=$2 ; s1[$1"_7q3 "]=$3
                        s1[$1"_7q2 "]=$4; s1[$1"_7q1 "]=$5 ; s1[$1"_6q4 "]=$6
                        s1[$1"_6q3 "]=$7 ; s1[$1"_jan "]=$8
                          for ( i in s1 ) { printf "|%s",i s1 }
                if ( ! NF ) {
                if ( $5 ~ /dec$/ ) {
                if ( f3 ) {
                        s3[$1"_nov "]=$4 ; s3[$1"_dec  "]=$5
                           for ( i in s3 ) { printf "|%s",i s3 }
                if ( ! NF ) {
                if ( $3 ~ /my/ ) {
                        print "\n"

anybody here?


A complex one, but should be ok for you.

grep -n lead e | cut -d":" -f1 > temp
for i in `cat temp`
t=`expr $i + 4`
sed -n "$i,${t}p" e >> 000${i}
rm temp
for i in `ls -l 000* | awk '{print $9}'`
	sort $i | awk '{
					printf("%s ",$j)
			}'> ${i}.temp
	rm $i
	mv ${i}.temp $i
ls -l 000* | awk '{print $9}' | sort -n | paste - - > tt
while read line
	n=`expr $n + 1`
	join $line > t.$n
done < tt
join t.* > final
rm 000*
rm t*
awk '{
if ($1=="tim" || $1=="tad" || $1=="lead1")
print $1" "$3" "$4" "$7" "$8" "$17" "$18" "$19
}' final
rm final

thanks soo much for looking into this. I really appreciate it. I should have been more specific on what I needed. I still think this will help a lot. I was looking for a awk solution, because I was having issues with this part of the script/function. Your solution I believe will help me with this part of the script I am writing. Thanks again soo much.

Having issue's using this for my awk script, is there a awk solution for this problem??