Parse the next line

If you have a file like this


Then Output is:

Mike Student:1:4
Boy Student:3:4
Girl :master

Have a look at the paste command.


paste - - < file

By default the delimiter is a tab, but you can change that.

1 Like

thanks a lot... by the way im having problem with sort..


student20 hey
student1 name
student2 fire
student11 post
student3 back


student1 name
student2 fire
student3 back
student11 post
student20 hey

I refer you to this recent thread: recent thread goes here!

$  sort -nk1.8 < file
student1 name
student2 fire
student3 back
student11 post
student20 hey

But, of course, that only works on the exact input you've given. It's always better when doing this kind of thing to pad numbers. Because there will always come a time when you want to use them for something!

1 Like

no i did not create the correct output

the output was:

student1 name
student11 post
student20 hey
student3 back

By no i did not I presume you meant no it did not...

Please post exactly your input file, and the command you ran.

And, importantly, which OS you are using.


#cat filename |  sort -nk1.8
student1 name
student11 post
student20 hey
student3 back

With 79 post here, you should now how to use code tags !!