Parse multiple html files in directory

I have downloaded source code for 97 files using:

 wget -x -i link.txt 

then run a rename loop:

 for file in *
   mv $file $file.txt

to keep the html tags but make the file a text that can be parsed.

In each of the 97 txt files the gene # is variable, but the gene is associated or should have a corresponding OMIM #. They are all in,


Is there a way to search the source code for these gene names and OMIM #�s?

For example, in the attached file there are 26 genes:

Output (tab-delimited)

A            B
Gene     OMIM
AKT1	164730
ALK	105590
APC	611731

The gene names seem to be after

 target = '_blank'>AKT1</a> 

and the OMIM # seem to be

 style = 'margin-bottom:10px;'><a href = 

I think


can parse html but I am not familiar enough to know how to code it for multiple files in a directory.

Thank you to all for the help :).

You don't need to rename the files to .txt to parse them with sed . Try:

awk     '/^<h2 id="genes"/      {getline
                                 for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
                                        {n1=gsub ("[, ]*<a href = .", "", $i)
                                         n2=gsub (". target = ._blank.", "", $i)
                                         n3=gsub ("</a", "", $(i+1))
                                         if (n1 + n2) print $(i+1) "\t" $i
        ' FS=">" /tmp/CM080
AKT1    164730
ALK     105590
APC     611731
BRAF    164757
CDH1    192090
CTNNB1  116806
EGFR    131550
ERBB2   164870
FBXW7   606278
FGFR2   176943
FOXL2   605597
GNAQ    600998
GNAS    139320
KIT     164920
KRAS    190070
MAP2K1  176872
MET     164860
MSH6    600678
NRAS    164790
PDGFRA  173490
PIK3CA  171834
PTEN    601728
SMAD4   600993
SRC     190090
STK11   602216
TP53    191170

Can a loop be used to parse each of the 97 files in


keeping the original file and the newly created parsed.txt? Thank you :).

So, CM080 (original) - CM080parsed.txt

Also, if I run the command to write an output file it takes a very long time

 awk     '/^<h2 id="genes"/      {getline
                                 for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
                                        {n1=gsub ("[, ]*<a href = .", "", $i)
                                         n2=gsub (". target = ._blank.", "", $i)
                                         n3=gsub ("</a", "", $(i+1))
                                         if (n1 + n2) print $(i+1) "\t" $i
        ' FS=">" CM080 > output.txt 

, but if there is no output it runs quickly.

 awk     '/^<h2 id="genes"/      {getline
                                 for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
                                        {n1=gsub ("[, ]*<a href = .", "", $i)
                                         n2=gsub (". target = ._blank.", "", $i)
                                         n3=gsub ("</a", "", $(i+1))
                                         if (n1 + n2) print $(i+1) "\t" $i
        ' FS=">" CM080 

Thank you :).

There's no reason it should run slower when printing to a file, and it doesn't if I try. For your multiple files, try

awk     '/^<h2 id="genes"/      {getline
                                 for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
                                        {n1=gsub (".*", "", $i)
                                         n2=gsub (". target = ._blank.>", "\t", $i)
                                         n3=gsub ("</a>.*", "", $i)
                                         print $i  >  FILENAME".parsed"
        ' FS="," /tmp/CM*

after having adapted the input files' path. It requires that ALL input files have the same structure as CM080 does.

 awk     '/^<h2 id="genes"/      {getline
>                                  for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
>                                         {n1=gsub (".*", "", $i)
>                                          n2=gsub (". target = ._blank.>", "\t", $i)
>                                          n3=gsub ("</a>.*", "", $i)
>                                          print $i  >  FILENAME".parsed"
>                                         }
>                                 }
>         ' FS="," C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\list\\parse
awk: fatal: cannot open file `' for reading (No such file or directory) 

I am using cygwin on a windows machine. Should I try Ubuntu? Thank you :).

Looks like it suppressed all "\" in the input file path. Try to escape or quote.
You did not specify any wildcard, so it would work on file "parse" only. Is this what you want? Or is "parse" a directory?

I put all 97 of the files to be parsed in a directory:


So maybe that should be


Not sure how to escape.

Thank you :).

How would you specify a path for other tools?


  awk     '/^<h2 id="genes"/      {getline
>                                  for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
>                                         {n1=gsub (".*", "", $i)
>                                          n2=gsub (". target = ._blank.>", "\t", $i)
>                                          n3=gsub ("</a>.*", "", $i)
>                                          print $i  >  FILENAME".parsed"
>                                         }
>                                 }
>         ' FS="," "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\list\\parse\*"
awk: fatal: cannot open file `C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\list\\parse\*' for reading (No such file or directory)

For windows, I would quote the path and that seems to have worked to un-suppress the \, but it doesn't like the wildcard. Thank you :).

What's the result of

dir "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\list\\parse\*"


 awk     '/^<h2 id="genes"/      {getline
                     >                       print $i  >  FILENAME".parsed"
                               for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
>                                         {n1=gsub (".*", "", $i)
>                                          n2=gsub (". target = ._blank.>", "\t", $i)
>                                          n3=gsub ("</a>.*", "", $i)
>                                          print $i  >  FILENAME".parsed"
>                                         }
>                                 }
>         ' FS="," dir "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\list\\parse\*"
awk: fatal: cannot open file `dir' for reading (No such file or directory)

Thank you very much :).

Please issue above command directly from the command line, not as the input stream parameter to awk .

I used the following in ubuntu and it worked perfectly.

 awk     '/^<h2 id="genes"/ {getline   for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {n1=gsub (".*", "", $i) n2=gsub (". target = ._blank.>", "\t", $i)                                          n3=gsub ("</a>.*", "", $i) print $i  >  FILENAME".parsed" }
 ' FS="," /home/dnascopev/Desktop/list/*

each of the 97 files in that directory have the original and a.parsed (CM080 and CM080.parsed, CM081 and CM081.parsed). [/CODE]

Is there a way to combine the 97 files that .parsed into one overall file called all_genes.txt? Thank you for all your help :).

cat *.parsed > all_genes.txt
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You explicitly asked for single unique .parse files in post #3. Anyhow, remove the > FILENAME".parsed" from within the script and add an > all_genes.txt to the very end. Or use Corona688's proposal.

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Thank you very much for all your help :).