parse a file and fill an array with it

Hi Guys,

I am trying to do a file parse which is something like

config file:
machines= sha1 sha2 sha3 sha4

The bash script should be supporting upto 64 such machines
what I want is to place the machines in an array and then use the array to ssh to each machine.

The script I worte

declare -x machine
x=$(gawk -F ' ' '/^machine/ {print NF}' a)

while [ $i -lt $x ]; do
machine=$(gawk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} ; /^machine/ && NF <= 64 {print $i}' a)
#do the SSH here
let "i+=1"
echo mach $machine

The script always prints the entire line instead of indivudual word.
Also, it only works if there a single entry of 'machine'

Can some please help in this.


You can try something like this:

awk '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){print $NF}}' "config.file" |
while read mach; do
  #do your stuff here
  echo "$mach"


Hi Franklin,
I tried to run by changing the config file to my config as mentioned erlier.
It prints onyl the last field (word) in the config file 3 times and does not fill anything else apart form it.

I did not understand why r u looping starting form '2'.
However, I changed it to 0 and 1 and did not get the expected result.

Mukund Jampala

Looks like he had a typo in his code; try changing print $NF to print $i.

perhaps like this

awk '{print $1}' /tmp/config.txt|while read output;
machine=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $1}')
#your script here
echo $machine

config.txt is the machine list file
hope that help

Like Annihilannic mentioned, I had a typo in the code, and the loop begins with the second field after the "=" so I assume this is the first machine name. Maybe it should begins with the 3th field, try it out.

awk '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){print $i}}' "config.file" |
while read mach; do
  #do your stuff here
  echo "$mach"


Hi Franklin,

Thanks you, I got it working.
But, I want these details in a array with extra spaces removed.

However, I tried by adding a ssh command to it and does not work
When I do this the loop gets restricted to a single iteration. ?I did not see the second iteration happening. and it happens only the case of ssh.

Instead local commands works fine.

awk '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){print $i}}' "a" |
while read mach; do
#do your stuff here
echo "hello $mach"
ssh root@rna4 uname -n # <----
echo $?

Mukund Jampala

Does the echo command give the proper names of the machines and does the ssh command work manually?

Hi Franklin,

It parse the file correctly.
I get the data correctly from the file
ssh indeed is passwd less ssh to all the nodes.

my a file
machine= sna4 sna3

But, when I try to ssh it only prints out the following (logged in as root)
hello sna4

Where as it should also have

hello sna3

This is missing. Why is not clear.


Do you have spaces around the "="?
Post your line in the exact format within code tags.


Hi Franklin,

I don't know how to do that exactly.
machine has no space before it.
The first space is only after '='

Followed by, there is a single space between sna4 and sna3.
This is a direct copy from my txt file.

machine= sna4 sna3

Mukund Jampala

Use ssh with the -n option, otherwise it gobbles up the stdin from the while/read loop which is why it only runs once.