Parameters in loop


I am trying to write a script which will read inputs form user and process those files, I have issue reading the input parameters in a loop. Following is the script...

I run the script as ./ 3 table1 table 2 table3

let TableCount=1

while [ ${NumberOfTables} -gt 0 ]

 db2 "runstats on table ${TableName} and indexes all"

 let  TableCount=TableCount+1
 let  NumberOfTables=NumberOfTables-1

exit 0

here I am not able to capture table1 table2 and table3 in the loop it prints TableName as $1 $2 and $3 but not the names that are given as input.

can some one help me on this....

Having trouble following your logic, but perhaps the following thoughts will help this move along:
(1) The variable "$#" will be the number of parameters supplied. Thus, perhaps no need for the first 3 after your command because you could skip this and then do NumberOfTables="$#"
(2) The shift function allows a script to keep processing references to $1. Thus, you would do your first set of commands and then do a shift. Shift moves what is in $2 to $1, $3 to $2, etc... ; what was in $1 is now gone.

I do not think you need the TableCount variable, and perhaps a few other things inside your original code. Hopefully, this will put you on your way...

> cat
#! /bin/bash

let TableCount=1

while [ ${NumberOfTables} -gt 0 ]

# db2 "runstats on table ${TableName} and indexes all"
# echo ${TableName}
 echo $1

 let  TableCount=TableCount+1
 let  NumberOfTables=NumberOfTables-1

exit 0

Thanks It helped a lot...