Parameter getting truncated using stanzaget


My script reading parameters from a parameter file using stanzaget . (runs on ksh ).

One of the paramter is collection of unique numbers separated by comma and it is lengthy.

Parameter file looks as below,

           ACTIVE_STORES = 00001,00002, ----- up to 01000

wc -c gives result 6000 (1000 5 digit stores separated by comma and a space in beginning)

In script, below expression is executed,

'stanza get "paramet file" GLOBAL ACTIVE_STORES'

ACTIVE_STORES variable has value from 00001 .... up to 00166,001

wc -c gives result of 1000

My question are,
Why only 1000 characters?
What limits the parameter length reading from a file?
What is the maximum length of string constant?
Which limit i can refer in getconf ?

Please suggest what is the better way to read complete store numbers from parameter file.


The stanzaget utility is not mentioned in the standards, and (from the man pages on this site) doesn't appear to be provided by default on any UNIX or Linux system.

So, assuming you (or someone at your site) downloaded and installed stanzaget , what does the documentation for stanzaget say its limits are when reading data from a file?

Many text processing utilities will only be able to process text files. By definition, a text file has lines that contain no more than LINE_MAX bytes (a value that you can determine on your system using the command getconf LINE_MAX ). On most systems, LINE_MAX will be 2048; so a line in your configuration file that is 6001 (or more) bytes long (including the terminating <newline> character) means that that configuration file is NOT a text file.

If stanzaget limits line lengths to 1000 bytes instead of LINE_MAX bytes, use a different tool to process your configuration file. Or change your configuration file to contain values that are no longer than LINE_MAX (or whatever limit stanzaget imposes).

Why do you need a configuration variable that contains a list of 1000 5 digit numbers? Why doesn't you configuration contain a minimum value and a maximum value and let software generate the list of numbers it needs to process that those two values?