pam sshd error


I wanted to convert my pam libraries to 64 bit. so recently compiled my pam_banner and pam_wheel to 64 bit.

I got the following error...

sshd[8063]: dlsym failed pam_sm_authenticate:error : sshd fatal: pam_sm_authenticate: can't find symbol


If you switch to a 64-bit PAM, absolutely everything else which uses PAM has to be rebuilt as 64-bit too. Not the sort of thing you'd want to try doing by hand.

Any particular reason you wanted a 64-bit PAM?

Yup i've built all required PAM libraries to 64-bit. I need to install FIPS pkgs and hence need 64 bit


My 64-bit systems have separate /lib and /lib32 folders so it can keep 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the same libraries without overlap. Does your system have this? It may be possible to install 32-bit and 64-bit PAM at the same time instead of just replacing your 32-bit one. This will be necessary if you don't want a completely 64-bit system I think.

Meanwhile you'd better reinstall your 32-bit PAM while you still can.

Corona is telling you: do not mix and match 32 & 64 bit. You are close to making your system unusable. I hope you have a backup....

Yeah I have separate folders for 32 bit and 64 bit. I want to upgrade to using 64 bit pam libraries as all other libraries are 64 bit. When I compiled my pam libraries to 64 bit I got the error

sshd[8063]: dlsym failed pam_sm_authenticate:error : sshd fatal: pam_sm_authenticate: can't find symbol

Well, if i need only 64bit libraries, do I need the 32 libraries at all?
What could be the readon for the above mentioned errror.


You compiled and built pam manually, meaning, where it ended up putting files was wholly up to you. It's possible you overwrote your 32-bit files with 64-bit ones. You might also have a mixture of old and new files that can't work together.

Presently I have both 32 bit and 64 bit libraries in my machine. Both at seperate paths. And i'm using the 64 bit libs and that is when i got this error


You guys require anymore details please let me know. I still don't know why I get this error. As I'm using all 64 bit libs, and in my pam.conf I'm pointing to 64 bit libs only.

Thanks a lot for your help.