pam ldap limit authentication

I have a linux machine which authenticate users to ldap, this is working fine. But I would like to limit users that logon to the machines to just the system admins.
The machines hosts different web sites which users accessed from there home directory like

At the monent my /etc/ldap.conf has
nss_base_passwd o=mdx?sub?groupMembership=cn=linux_servers,ou=access-grou

nss_base_shadow o=mdx?sub?groupMembership=cn=linux_servers,ou=access-grou

nss_base_group ou=group,,ou=nis,ou=services,ou=unix,ou=service

I would like to limit authentication to cn=linux_admin but if I change the above /etc/ldap.conf to cn=linux_admin users will not be able to get there web site.

Using PAM, how do I limit authentication to all services just to cn=linux_admin, while normal user still be able to access there web site through

Thanks :confused: :confused: