Page Break in a file for printing


We have 1lac records in source file and unix script will genarate around 1000 files.
From target location the files are taking for printing on physical papers.

the page size limitation : 256 Lines

Can you please tell me how to insert the page break in a flat file for printer.

How man lines in the file?
You could look at the split command

Dont pay too much attention to my previous post - I just got to work... was stuck half an hour in a motorway tunnel on my motorcycle, my head and brains "fumed would you say?" need fresh air...
Just so you see how crazy I went on the idea: splitting the files into multiple then appending them again while adding a blanc page between...

Something puzzles me: files unless coded in have no pages, just record lines...
Isn't you printer going to print 256 lines/page?

If you split on your required page length, then you can concatanate them back together with a <CNTL>L character. That usually causes a page throw.



I'd consider using pr:

       pr - convert text files for printing

      -F, -f, --form-feed
              use form feeds instead of newlines to separate pages (by a
              3-line page header with -F or a 5-line header and trailer
              without -F)

       -l PAGE_LENGTH, --length=PAGE_LENGTH
              set the page length to PAGE_LENGTH (66) lines (default number of
              lines of text 56, and with -F 63)

-- excerpt from man pr, q.v.

And has many, many other options ... cheers, drl