Owner of file gets 'not owner' error for chgrp

Hi Folks,

I know that changing users and groups is pretty basic admin, but this one has got me stumped. When I try to change the group of a file for which I am the owner for, it still gives me a 'Not owner' error.

For example, when I am logged in as 'webadmin', I have the following file:

-rwxrwxr-x 1 webadmin other 0 Dec 17 12:00 zzz_info.php

I want to change group from other to www, so I run:

chgrp www zzz_info.php

I get this error:

chgrp: changing group of `zzz_info.php': Not owner

I have read somewhere that "More recent versions" of solaris only enable root to change permissions by default, but as per instructions I have gone and set "set rstchown=1" in /etc/system.

This is something I've never dealt with before, so any help would be appreciated.

Try setting it to 0 instead. Setting it to 1 enables the restrictions on chown rather than disables (as 0 does).

Ooops, my bad. Have now set to 0 and rebooted. Must be something else, as the problem still manifests the same.

You need the "file_chown_self" privilege to giveaway a file ownership or group.

Otherwise, the chgrp command will only allow you to switch between groups you belong to.

Thanks...that did it.