Outputting data from multiple lines

Hi guys, looking for a bit of advise, and as I am a complete novice, please excuse the daft questions!!

I have a list of events and of which entry looks like this;

# Event 1
# NAME = Event 1

12345 : 123  : 1 : 1  : L,1,N : 1,0  : Event

# Event 2
# NAME = Event 2

12346 : 124  : 1 : 1  : L,1,N : 1,0  : Event

I am looking for a grep which can search for the various event code (in this case 12345) and print the Event "NAME" to screen. I have been racking my brains for a while now, but cant seem to think of a way to do this. Can anyone suggest a way?

So I will have something like;

"Event code $eventCode is $eventName" printed to the screen if that makes sense? Obviously using read to enter the event code in each time the script is ran...

Thank you in advanced.

awk -v v=12345 '$1==v{print s}$2=="NAME"{s="Event code" FS v FS "is" FS substr($0,10)}' file

read -p " Enter id: " id

 awk -v id="$id"  '$1==id{ printf "Event code %s is %s\n", s, $1 } /NAME =/{ s=$(NF-1) FS $NF }' file
nawk -F"[=|:|#]" -v e="$1" '{
if ($2==" NAME ")
	print t
}' filename

Thanks for all your help guys.

Here is what I am using at the moment;


nawk -F"[=|:|#]" -v e="$1" '{
if ($2==" NAME ")
        print t
}' comps

However this is printing duplicates (x4), e.g;

Event 1
Event 1
Event 1
Event 1
Event 2
Event 2
Event 2
Event 2
Event 3
Event 3
Event 3
Event 3

Could this have something to do with the source file displaying the event name twice, e.g;

# Event 1
# NAME = Event 1

Any advise would be great.

Thanks again all! :smiley:

How about something like:

#  awk '/NAME/{FS="=";t="Event "$2" is ";getline;getline;getline;print t$0}' infile
Event  Event 1 is 12345 : 123  : 1 : 1  : L,1,N : 1,0  : Event
Event  Event 2 is 12346 : 124  : 1 : 1  : L,1,N : 1,0  : Event


#  awk '/NAME/{FS="=";t="Event "$2" is ";getline;getline;getline;FS=" ";print t$1}' infile
Event  Event 1 is 12345
Event  Event 2 is 12346

or am I misreading what you're after ?

Thanks Tytalus,

I have had a little play around and;

awk '/NAME/{FS="=";t="Event "$2" is event id ";getline;getline;FS=" ";print t$3}' comps

seems to output the id and relevent event name perfectly. And looks something like

Event Event 1 is event id 587

Is there anyway to prompt the script to ask the user for an event id and then pull back the name of that event, such as;

echo "Enter the event id"
read event

awk '/NAME/{FS="=";t="Event "$2" is event id ";getline;getline;FS=" ";print t$3}' comps

What would be needed to link that user input to the awk command?

#  ./get-event
Enter the event id
Event 1 is event id 12345

#  ./get-event
Enter the event id
Event 2 is event id 12346

#  cat get-event
echo "Enter the event id"
read event

nawk -v var=$event '/NAME/&&($5==var){FS="=";t="Event "var" is event id ";getline;getline;getline;FS=" ";print t$1}' infile


Sorted now;

echo "Enter the competition id"
read comp
echo "*****************************************************************"
awk '/NAME/{FS="=";t=""$2" is comp id ";getline;getline;FS=" ";print t$3}' comps | grep $comp
echo "*****************************************************************"

thank you for all your help :smiley: