Output of shell in array


i have a file which reads,



i want an output to show,

name        role         salary
arun         manager    200000
pradeep    engineer    10000

and so on..

i want to do this with arrays:(,
kindly help.


Well, boilerplate header from 'echo' and 'tr' the '/' to a tab is a start.

Want justification? I wrote a C fixed pitch formatter, autotab.c, or you can go to Excel or HTML!

KSH, at least, does not have mutli-dimensional arrays built in.

You can write you're own code to implement them....for example, these are functions I wrote:

# Main line here

create_array LIST[3,3,1]

set_array_index_name LIST[2]="Name,Role,Salary"

set_array LIST[1,,]="arun,manager,200000"
set_array LIST[2,,]="pradeep,engineer,10000"
set_array LIST[3,,]="karthik,teamlead,30000"

print_array LIST

get_array LIST[1,1,1]


Z=1     Name    Role     Salary
      1   arun manager200000
      2pradeepengineer 10000
      3karthikteamlead 30000


Sounds cool, purdym. But it does no one any good unless you post the code for the functions you wrote.

I've thought about releasing the code, I spent a lot of time developing it. I can't guarantee its bug free. Perhaps someone has time see if it works on their system.

maybe try something this

# cat file
# ./justdoit file
    name        role       salary
    arun      manager       200000
 pradeep     engineer        10000
 karthik     teamlead        30000
echo -e "    name\trole\t   salary\n  $F$F$F"
while read -r l ; do
array=($(echo $l|sed 's/[/]/ /g' )) ;c=${#array[@]}
for((i=0;i<$c;i++)) ; do arrpr=(${arrpr[@]} ${array} )
done;array=();printf "%8s %12s %12s\n" ${arrpr[@]};arrpr=();done<$1


thanks a lot :b:, it works perfect,
but, can u just go thru the code, and explain a bit ?


awk 'BEGIN{printf "%-20s%-20s%-20s\n", "name", "role", "salary"; 
           print "================================================"}
     { printf "%-20s%-20s%-20s\n",$1,$2,$3}' FS=\/  infile

name                role                salary
arun                manager             200000
pradeep             engineer            10000
karthik             teamlead            30000

firstly we write titles.(echo "")
and read line by line from inputfile.
we take first line (arun/manager/200000) to variable "l".
and we replacement "/" with space by ( sed 's/[/]/ /g' )
now we get "arun manager 200000" and assign values to array.(array=($(echo $l|sed 's/[/]/ /g' ))
now view --> array[0]=arun , array[1]=manager , array[2]=200000 .
i removed for-loop because of this is unnecessary.
write entire directory element.
and next line read and again same process until process last line.
new view..

echo -e "    name\trole\t   salary\n  $F$F$F"
while read -r l ; do
array=($(echo $l|sed 's/[/]/ /g' ));x=${array[@]}
array=();printf "%8s %12s %12s\n" $x ;arrpr=();done<$1

i try to write some more usefull :slight_smile:

# cat file2
# ./justdoit FS='|' col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 file2
       col1        col2        col3        col4        col5
       arun     manager      200000        test       test2
    pradeep    engineer       10000        test       test2
    karthik    teamlead       30000        test       test2
# ./justdoit FS='/' col1 col2 col3 col4 file2
FS separator is maybe incorrect!!
# ./justdoit FS='|' col1 col2 col3 col4
input file is maybe missing!!
# ./justdoit FS='|' col1 col2 col3 col4 file2
usage : e.g. ./justdoit FS='|' col1 col2 ... col5 inputfile
# ./justdoit FS='|' file2
column names is maybe missing!!
# cat justdoit
F="=============";f=${#};ff=$(eval echo '$'$f)
if [ ! -f $ff ] ; then echo "input file is maybe missing!!" ;exit 1;fi
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then echo "usage : e.g. $0 FS="X" col1 col2 ... colx inputfile";exit 1;
elif [ $# -eq 2 ] ; then echo "column names is maybe missing!!" ;exit 1 ;fi
FS=$(echo "$1"|sed "s/FS=\(.\)$/\1/")
[[ $(echo "$FS"|grep -o "[[:punct:]]") ]] || echo "FS is in non-punctuation characters!!"
c=$(sed -n '1s/['$FS']/\n/gp' $ff|sed -n '$=')
if [ -z $c ] ; then echo "FS separator is maybe incorrect!!" ; exit 1; fi
if [ $((c+2)) -ne $f ] ; then echo "usage : e.g. $0 FS='"$FS"' col1 col2 ... col$c inputfile";exit 1;fi
for((i=2;i<=$((c+1));i++)) ; do FF=(${FF[@]}$F) ; X=(${X[@]} "\$$i")
par=(${par[@]} %11s) ; done ;x=${par[@]}
printf "$x\n %s\n" $(eval echo "${X[@]}") " ${FF[@]}"
while read -r l ; do
array=($(echo $l|sed 's/['$FS']/ /g' ))
printf "$x\n" ${arrpr[@]};array=();done<$ff



shorter version:

while IFS='/' read -ra Line
do printf '%8s %12s %12s\n' "${Line[@]}"
done < file