Output of both the echo statement in one line

I have script like

echo $STATUS

I want the output of both the echo statement in one line

How can i do this

Enclose the strings in double quote and at the end of first echo add a "\c"

echo "$STATUS"

when I am giving like this

STATUS= cat temp1 | grep "Highest return code encountered" | cut -d " " -f13,14,15,16,17,18
echo "$STATUS"

i am getting ooutptu as

Highest return code encountered = '0'.
FINISHED FEXP: ccc_conduit_gci

why its coming in different order , it should be like

FINISHED FEXP: ccc_conduit_gci
Highest return code encountered = '0'.

and even its not coming in one line

Because you are not assigning the STATUS correctly. To capture the value of a command into a variable, use backticks (grave accents, ASCII 96) or $(command)

The simplest and most portable solution to your original problem is to put all the information in a single echo.

STATUS=$(grep "Highest return code encountered" temp1 | cut -d " " -f13,14,15,16,17,18)

I also took out the Useless Use of Cat -- grep knows full well how to read a file, you don't need cat for that.