output file of the shell script running through crontab is deleting automatical daily.

Dear Friends,

I am working on IBM AIX. I have written one script and kept in the crontab as to run daily at 11:38 AM. and the output of the script to be appended to the file generated with the month name. but my file deleting daily and the new file is creating with the output of the shell script.

So can anybody help to fix it up.
My script:

dt=`TZ=IST+18:30 date +%B`

This script file which kept in the crontab is to run one script with the name INDRREPORT and to keep the output in some other folder.

My crontab syntax:

38 11 * * * /tellin/smp/Operation/scripts/indrreport >/dev/null 2>&1

So if you run your script to generate the output manually twice in a row it just appends to the file with no problems? I don't think cron is your issue.

Hi Friend,

Thanks for the reply. The output is appending to file normally on the same day. but as i observed the file is deleting on the same day and the new file is getting generated for the next day.

Please revert you could not understand my issue.