out of inodes on https dev hd

Hi everybody i'm new in this forum
(out of inodes on https dev hd) I'm getting this massages on a unix 5.0.6
If anyone could help me resolve this problem that will be so nice.
Please help
Thanks Jose

Out of inodes means that you can't create any new files in that directory.

It would help if you posted some info about the filesystem in question. Like, How it was created? what file type it is? etc... .

Generally, if you must define inodes when the filesystem is created, the only way that I know to fix it is to save your data, blow away the filesytem and recreate and increase the # of inodes by 2x.


Not to state the obvious but have you deleted and/or archived any unneeded files on that partition.

Yes i have, thanks anyway i just gonna save the data reinstall everything again.

Thanks a lot.

That's what i problably end up doing i was trying to aviod that but in this case i guess i dont have another choice.
thanks a lot i really Appreciate your help.

Thanks Jose