OS X Server: Trouble restoring mail from backup...

So I had some bad RAM in my server. Of course I didn't know it at the time. And it kept making the 10.3.5 updater crash. And that last crash did it. My drive was messed up. So I had to reformat and reinstall. Luckily I had a whole slew of fresh backups. But I'm really hung up on the mail. I backed up my mail folder /Library/AppleMailServer folder. That is my mail folder, it contains about 300 MB's of mail, and I can see all my mail users in there. Yes the mail config in the Server Admin app defaults to /var/spool for mail store. That right there confuses me, because then I got 10.3, I did a fresh install, I didn't upgrade. So I don't see how this could be different. But whatever, I change the mail store to /Library/AppleMailServer. And it doesn't work. And when I look at the error logs, the IMAP server is looking for /Library/AppleMailServer/users/[username], but there is no 'users' folder in my AppleMailServer folder. There is a user folder with a different name, and an extra level deep. This is all very confusing, I don't really know what has changed. But I have about 3000 emails that I really need to get access too again. If you know what I'm doing wrong please let me know. Thanks. OH BTW I use SMTP and IMAP only, no pop.
