oracle 10g on AIX 5


can anyone help me by telling step by stem oracle10g installation in AIX 5 .


Oracle already did that for you -

Go down to the AIX section and download what you want.

thanks but i need that docs who himself did it pratically

I am sure oracle themself did a few installations...
What do you wish to install? Instantclient? Database?
I installed both a couple of times.
Basic steps are:

  • read the docs Jim already pointed you to
  • plan your installation (Oracle Enterprise or Standard edition?, disk layout...)
  • preinstallation tasks (check metalink for prerequisites, depending on your os-level,...)
  • installation (should be straight forward if you performed the other tasks - esp. planning)
  • postinstallation tasks like applying the latest patches, configuring the Oracle-Net, tuning virtual memory...

All those actions varry depending on your bussines needs, hard- and software setup, license agreement, ... and would be too convoluted to explain on this forum if you wish to cover each possible aspect .

In my eyes the best approach is to install on a test machine and ask more specific questions (not sure if here's the best place or or "UNIX and Linux Applications" in "Special Forums" on this site) in case you can't get oracle-training.