Operating System Revision Level

Hi i am trying to find the operating system revsion level and know i can use the 'uname -a' commmand i just wanted to know what part of the output displays this? Also what command can i use to display the cpu run queue?

$ uname -r

would spit out 5.8 for Solaris 8 (SunOS 5.8) and the Kernel revision for Linux.

$ sar -q

Will output today's run queue sizes since midnight if the sa1(8) and sa2(8) cron jobs have been set up to log sar(1) data at regular intervals and will display historical data if pointed at a prior date's sar data file, otherwise use:

$ vmstat 5 4

Where 5 is the seconds between measurements and the 4 is the number of measurements to display, the first column headed "r" shows the number of processes waiting to run.