OpenVPN and NAT

I am attempting to set up an OpenVPN server on my Solaris 11 box by following all the Linux guides. Thus far I have a working VPN that I can connect to and ssh onto my VPN server over which is great but not what I require long term.
I would like to route all VPN client requests for addresses not hosted on my network out via net0 on the server to my router and then the internet, allowing my VPN clients to browse the interweb hiding behind my router and VPN.

Looking at the guide on the OpenVPN wiki for bridging and routing (sorry cant post URLs yet, but a google will find it)

can anyone help me translate the following Linux NAT config:

# Allow traffic initiated from VPN to access "the world"
iptables -I FORWARD -i tun0 -o eth1 \
-s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT
# Masquerade traffic from VPN to "the world" -- done in the nat table
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth1 \

into a Solaris config? I know it requires an IPFilter rule to allow packets out on net0, and presumably in on tun0, and to that end I've allowed all port 80 packets in and out on all interfaces. I have also created a ipnat rule as follows.... I suspect this is the cause of my problem, and it doesn't match the Linux config above:

map -> #tun0 range to net0 range

any help would be really appreciated