OpenMP and MPI hybrid thread numbers


I have two basic questions, I will be really grateful if I receive any
comment from you,

I have an MPI code where I am trying to implement OpenMP directives.
The machine where I run the code has 16 cores. I run the code with

mpirun -np 4  ./exec

If I used mpi alone, I understand that the program "exec" would run on
4 cores. But what does the program do when I use MPI combined with
OpenMP, does it mean that I will be using 8 cores (4 MPI processes x
2 threads) for the entire work? Or that I will use only 4 cores and
each core will be doubly occupied?

The second thing is related to the use of OpenMP directives inside subroutines.
If I have the following code:

program main 
!$omp parallel 
!$omp sections 
!$omp section
    print*, "hello"
!$omp section 
    call func()
!$omp end sections 
!$omp end parallel

end program

subroutine func()
!$omp parallel do
do i=1,100
!$omp end parallel do 
end subroutine

how many threads would there be in the parallel section of func() if
I set export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2? According to my code there
will be 1 thread available for func() because it is inside a "section"
but I don't know how the threads work when the function is nested
as in this case,
