Opening an Excel File in Unix

Hi all,
I want to open an Excel file in Unix(ABC.xls) and copy one column of the file onto another text file (xyz.txt) .Please let me know if there is a way of going about to perform this operation.
Thanks in Advance,

the easy way is to convert your .xls to .csv on windows and use sed/awk/whatever to extract just one column from the .csv on UNIX.

hi Moderator,
in that case is it possible to automate the whole process through a script or something.

not that I'm aware of - you'll have to do it manually. btw... Google is your friend.

If you are aware why not share so it is of help to everyone. Xpecting your co-operation.

vgersh99 indicated that he is not aware of any automated process. All he did was provide you a google search URL to show you [b]a tool [b]that may perhaps help you. I don't believe he is endorsing it at all.

You issue is automating the transformation from Excel to CSV, everything else is easy. Excel files are propietary, binary formats so plucking out a piece of data is no trvial.

vgersh99 was really prompting you so use google to search out a solution.