Only get login prompt and nothing else

When I login as root or any user it prompts for the Login again. never prompts for password.

login: root
Login incorrect

Does not matter what user login I try I get the same response

How are you trying to login? Through ssh? At the console? Are you or someone else logged in somewhere still?

I'm wondering if this server has ever worked or if it's a new install. If it has changed, what is your backout plan from the changes you recently made?

Do you have a DR solution or a way to boot to single user? The process will depend on the hardware you have.


Logged into the virtual console, do not know if any users are on. Have not made any changes to cause this issue. Have a hardware problem. something happened that cause a logical volume to loose disk space. So I clear space on another logical volume. Had the information that was missing restore there and then did symbolic link to the data. was working fine then I was logged out of the system and have been getting this prompt ever since. The information I restore was from the /usr/igi directory.

I just need to know if there is a way to get back on the HP unix box to see the permissions for /etc path