One virtual disk server or more for LDOMs?

Is it better to use single or multiple virtual disk servers?

The host has multiple physical disk sets in multiple zpools.

Should I use, say

# ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary

# ldm add-vds primary-vds1 primary

and then do the add-vdsdev to -vds0 and vds1 depending on which disk / zpool those are?

Would that improve performance vs. using only one virtual disk server?

Thanks for your advice.

I'd like to know this as well. Is it better to logically orginize with vds for each ldom instance or is there a technical benefit as well?

One VDS for one ldom is a general rule of thumb for high IO (database servers for instance).

You can have one VDS for multiple ldoms for non io intensive workload (like application servers, WAS, tomcat and such).

This is what i use and it is recommended by Oracle, i haven't had a single issue regarding (running dozens of database ldoms on single machine).

Also,make a naming policy which you will hold on too during your deployment.

For instance, a good example would be to name it after the service, so add-vds ldomname-vds primary.

An example :

ldm add-domain oltpdb
ldm add-vds oltpdb-vds primary
ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/....s2 oltpdb-asm0@oltpdb-vds
ldm add-vdisk oltpdb-asm0 oltpdb-asm0@oltpdb-vds oltpdb

Notice that doing this naming convention any ldm command will return familiar names for oltpdb ldom

Hope the helps.

Thanks for the reply. The information is very helpful.